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Terms Of Attendance

​​As a registered attendee or participant (“you”) at any event organized by Out of Pocket Health, LLC (“OOPH”) (collectively, the “Event(s)”), you agree to these terms and conditions (collectively, the “Agreement”). If you are completing the registration on behalf of another individual, you warrant that you have made the attendee or participant aware of this Agreement and that he or she has accepted these terms and conditions.

Attendee Requirements

Prohibited Conduct

Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated at any OOPH Event. OOPH reserves the right, without refund, to revoke the credentials of any attendee whose conduct is deemed inappropriate, disorderly, offensive, or in violation of the guidelines outlined in this Agreement. Violations of this Agreement may also result in the attendee being prohibited from attending future OOPH events.


Cancellation, Substitution and Lost Badge Policy

Privacy Policy

Intellectual Property

Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitation of Liability
