Legal Stuff for Healthcare Software
Things You'll Get From This Course
Real Stories
Contracting Know How
How to work with lawyers

For the past five years, Michael has been helping clients to navigate the complexities and frustrations of growing a health-tech business. He was co-founder of a fractional General Counsel law firm named Trifecta General Counsel and now is a partner at Michael Best (though he’s the Best Michael, it’s confusing). While having practiced law for the past five years focused on healthcare, Michael’s also done everything from managing sales teams, implementing sales processes and CRM, managing products and even running a few engineering teams. How many lawyers do you know that can say they ran engineering?
Michael’s based outside of Minneapolis, MN, is a father of two awesome kids, a husband of one lovely lady and the owner of countless crushing disappointments as a lifelong MN sports fan.
Course Syllabus & Schedule
Module 1
Day 1
Regulatory Foundations
(7/9, 12-130 PM EST)
Module 2
Day 2
Commercial Contracting Foundations
(7/10, 12-130 PM EST)
Module 3
Day 3
Real-World Examples
(7/11, 12-130 PM EST)
Module 4
Day 4
Bonus - Formation and Foundations
(7/12, 12-130 PM EST)
Module 5
Day 5
Module 6
Day 6
Module 7
Day 7
Module 8
Day 8
Module 9
Day 9
Module 10
Day 10
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this course for?
Anyone that has a healthcare software business that’s potentially selling to payer or providers. Or if you just like hanging out with legal teams for some reason.
How much is it?
It’s free! This is the only time you’ll probably ever hear a lawyer say that.
Do I have to be at every session?
No, but we’ll be sad if you don’t come.
Will you give me legal advice for my company?
How many times do we have to give you this disclaimer? Nothing we said should be construed as legal advice. But we’ll have time for Q&A and try to point you in the right direction.